Saturday, 13 December 2014

Intro to Fruits of the Spirit

One day, while I was contemplating some topics to write about, the Lord placed on my heart to begin a series. The following is a small introduction of what God has placed into my heart to share.

If we claim to be Christians, then what do we have to showcase to others so that they will know we are Christians? If we say we are the light shining through this dark world, how then, can someone in this dark world notice our light? How can we display that intimacy that we share with God? - By the fruits that we bear!

Galatians 5:22-23 (KJV)

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
It has been placed on my heart to begin a series of posts dealing with and speaking on the fruits of the spirit – what they are, what is meant by it, how does it apply to us; do we have fruitful thinking? In Romans 8:5, it says, “Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.”
But is this always the case? Sometimes its our nature to long and go after the Carnal things in this world but then that leads to a war. A war between our Flesh and The spirit. Hence if we practice and attain the fruits of the spirit listed in Galations, we can overcome most temptations or even all temptations that this world wiill throw at us. Every obstacle, every speed hump in our journey to that fulfilled life can be overcome once we instill in us these fruits of the Spirit.

The fruits of the Spirit, is a physical record of the Visible growth in Jesus Christ. It's a term that puts together the visible attributes of a True Christian Life. We do not pick and choose which fruits we would like to consume to enhance our journey. They are not individual fruits but they are bundled together to characterize who truly walks in the Holy Spirit. These are qualities and attributes that we should be producing in our walk with Christ.

The following is an excert by Dr Richard Krejcir (What is the fruit of the spirit) that really puts the topic into perspective:

The Fruit of the Spirit is the Holy Spirit, God's active love and work within and through us so we bear and convey His Fruit. This means we add to as in supplement His Fruit, God's love for us, which we are given and then we are to build by faith so we are able to bear this to others. This is a cooperative endeavor that happens by our relationship with Christ as we grow by faith in Him. What we add too and what He then multiplies. This is that active pursuit of Love as a spiritual Fruit that is built from our collaboration that we have with God to produce real godly character and commitment. It gives us the fiber of our moral center that stretches throughout our being, embracing and holding together our relationships and opportunities when it is sealed as a choice and commitment, and not just a feeling. The Fruit of the Spirit will synergistically combines with the other godly characters of our Lord to promote our ability to relate and grow in our faith, relations, to be better to and for Him as well as others as well as ourselves.

The Fruit of the Spirit is described as a fruit, because it is made up of more than one substance; it has juice, pulp, peal, core, segments, and seeds, all held together by a skin or rind, and attached to the tree by a stem where its nutrients flow in. If you just eat of the pulp or juice and throw out the rest, how can you use the seeds to grow more? If you take the fruit off the vine, it will wither and rot; if the vine is not cared for, the tree will die. So it is with the Fruit of the Spirit. God makes it and it requires our growth of faith that necessitates our tending, and it is more than just one substance; all of its substances combined are greater than the sum of its parts.”

I hope you all have enjoyed this little nugget, and are blessed and looking forward to the upcoming posts dealing with the fruits of the spirit individually!

Be blessed! Be encouraged! Be inspired!


Welcome to "Introduction to the Fruit of the Spirit." Accessed December 2, 2014.

Monday, 17 November 2014


Jesus Paid It All?

On a particular occasion, while someone was testifying in church about Christ's goodness to them, something just popped out to me whilst in the congregation. We say that Christ Died for our sins on the Cross. He paid the ultimate price so we would not have to. Then it dawned on me. Do we really know what we mean when we say this? We say it. Its cliché. Its what was done for us to be where we are and in the place that we are, but do we just say it because the Bible says it? Again I ask, Do we know what we're saying when we say that Christ Died for our sins?

Sin is the thing that separates us from God. “For all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God.” Romans 3:23. Because of our Sins, God saw it fit to send His Only Son. He gave up His only Son so that we can be saved from the road of destruction that we were heading. He came and gave us an alternative. Christ's blood was shed so that we can live. We can live and fulfill God's purpose on earth. Each time we take part in communion, we remember what Christ did on the cross. But I really ask, Do we really appreciate what he did? Do we know the extent of what occurred all those years ago?

Isaiah 53: 4-5 says,
4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
Today we are not just physically healed through the grace of God but an internal healing happened when we accept Christ into our hearts, and live out the purpose set before us.

For me, to just think of what Christ went through, for me, is something you can't describe. Each and every time I come across some stumbling blocks and I think of how God works in my life, I would always reflect back Christ on that cross. Since before I was born He was thinking of me. Paving a future for me, so I can live a free bondage-less life. So why do we continue to put ourselves back into situations that bound us? (Something to think about)

I just want you to take this time right now. I encourage you to reflect on the stripes he took for us so that our sins can be taken care of. All our wrongs, all our lies, he placed his head on a block for us. He was beaten and bruised. He carried all our sorrows straight to Calvary. He fell as He walked. He carried the cross – our burdens on his shoulder straight to his death. Why? Only for Us. Only because God saw it fit to sacrifice his Only Begotten Son for a sinful world.

I encourage everyone. Take the time right now to reflect on our life. Are you living the life that God planned for us? Are we making God think His Son suffered in Vain? Think about God the Father's position. Having to look down on your child being beaten, suffering, sweating blood. Are we making God think that His decision to allow such suffering was a bad thing? Reflect on your life. See if you are doing what you are supposed to do. Think about all that happened so you can receive communion when given. Think all about the love that went down for each one of us. Think about the individual attention God gives to us. Each and every day we breathe, we sleep, we walk, we talk, we run, we give etc. all are mercies and goodness that can come through the Salvation God allowed for us to receive through the sacrifice of the Lamb.



Friday, 7 November 2014

We May Forget, But God He Always Remembers Us


Firstly, I apoligise for not writing in months due to some circumstances. :-( But everything happens for a reason. It's all in God's timing. Someone asked me recently, if I've given up on this Blogging. My answer is No. We can't give up on Jesus. He hasn't given up on Us. He never had, and he never will.

I just really want to encourage people today, don't be too busy for God because God Is busy to you know. But unlike us, He is busy working for us. He's busy protecting us. He's busy wiping all the sorrows that plague us everyday. What are were doing for him? Have we forgotten him in our busy lives?

I must say that i'm guilty of it. I honestly forget God's hand on my life sometimes. Then I just need a little push! A little message that says, Don't forget because He doesn't forget. No matter what you are going through. Is it the stress of your job? Is it the stress of school? Peer pressure? No matter what it is, Just declare and lift Jesus high, because in Jesus' name no weapon formed against us shall prosper. He has already won the victory for us. He wears the Victor's crown.

Recently I've been under pressure with school, and it took one little Fb message from someone about my blogging that honestly gave me an epiphany. I've been given the opportunity to further my education. It is something I wanted. Something for me to move forward in life. But I had to stop and tell myself, don't let this blessing turn into a curse. Have you forgotten the God that made this all possible for you? He hasn't forgotten. Get back up and continue with your blog.

The devil tries to swerve us from doing what we have to do. He tries to swerve us from emulating Christ, from following the purpose that was left for us to accomplish. But all blessings and honor, glory and power be unto Christ, that no matter how far we may stray, he always pulls us back to where we ought to be.

I just really want to leave this with you today – We may forget, but God doesn't forget.

I would like you all to listen to this song. It has blessed my heart. Let Jesus be revealed 



Thursday, 25 September 2014

A little testimony of mine


Hi all! I know I haven't written in some months. I took a vacation.. literally. :D
But, Inspirateur is back and will progress forward!

Today I want to emphasize on God's blessings. Everyone in some sort of way has experienced God's Blessing and today I want to share a testimony really of his goodness and his favour.

When on vacation, there were three things that really struck out to me.
  1. I have a laid out a blue print for my life. So did God. But God has shown me that he can move things up for me. He has proven that whilst my blue print has flaws, his is perfect.
  2. Even when you think you have no resources, He has proven to be Jehovah Jireh- My provider.
  3. His Amazing Grace.

I honestly did not see myself travelling any time soon, providing that I am still in school. I planned it out for the time I get my job and I have the money to travel. But here, God has taken that plan and moved it up in my life. For a reason I am unsure of, but it happened. He has blessed me, without me asking for this opportunity to visit Ireland and London. I've seen God really show his skills off..i wont lie. And it dawned on me that we really do Sell God Short of His Miracles. We sometimes refuse to see his mighty hand working. Even in the smallest of ways, his grace is large.
He provides a way for us. He supplies all our needs. He sees us through the hard times in life, and rejoices with us in the Good times.

Being in Ireland, i've learn't a lot. Especially about the song Amazing Grace – By John Newton. I was able to visit Amazing Grace County, and see the shores in which he got shipwrecked when he decided to give himself to God. - Lough Swilly Bay. It was a person experience that I can't even describe for those out there. But this now world wide famous song is a autobiography of John Newton's life that I hold so close to my heart. I now sing/ listen to the song and there's a whole new meaning to the words. It's not just a hymn anymore.

It has taught me how truly amazing God's grace is. Lets give him a try today. “I was blind, but now I see” There's so much at stake if you don't believe in God. God is my hope, my light and my salvation. At times we falter, at times we fail, but his grace is made perfect in our weaknesses. He has truly blessed me, and he still continues to favor me and I give God all the Glory and Honor for that.

Hope you all have been blessed!

Be encouraged! Be Inspired!

Saturday, 28 June 2014

Ready or Not

Job 1:21 states that the Lord giveth, and he taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord. In the good times, we give God the Glory, but it takes real strength to give God the glory when in our bad times. Everything Job had to go through, he never sinned. He remained righteous.
Recently there was the death of a Church member. Someone who lived out her purpose here on this earth. Happy I’m sure to be finally home, without pain, without troubles and at peace. At these times, we are fully reminded of how short life really is. It is in these times that we come to reality of Is there life after death? Questions arise of, If I ought to die now, Where am I going to spend eternity. When we die, it’s not the end of life. Our living is actually now beginning. This life we are living is just a phase. It’s just a passing through experience.

The real question I’m asking you today is, “Are you living out the purpose that you were sent here to accomplish, that if you were to die today, that your calling is an election sure one?”

Many people are not sure as to where they are going because they are not fulfilling the purpose God has placed them on earth to accomplish. I strongly encourage and urge each and every one of us. Life is too short to waste time trying to experience the things of this world. Why not spend all your time experiencing the joys of the Lord which is far better.

Today’s post is really short. It’s just a reminder really, that your life can be taken at any moment. It’s your responsibility to ensure that when you die, you will have your mansion in Glory. There are two destinations after death. Your lifestyle is what will determine where you will spend the rest of your life. Either in Heaven with the Lord and his entire host, or in Hell burning in the never quenching fire for the rest of your timeless life. The choice is yours. I urge you to make the right one. Live the lifestyle of worship to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Live and emulate the Life of Christ. Be a disciple for Jesus. We don’t have much time.

Be Blessed, Be Encouraged and Be Inspired!

Monday, 23 June 2014

Read Meeeee

How Often Do You Read?

There’s this little Sunday school song:
“ Read your Bible Pray every day,
Pray everyday, Pray everyday,
and you’ll grow grow grow
Don’t read your Bible,
Forget to pray
And you shrink shrink shrink”

Nothing can be more accurate than this little song. Sunday a minister came from Venezuela and shared the most accurate word to us. Reading our bible. What makes the difference between a believer and a Disciple. I must admit, that I’m guilty of not reading my Bible sometimes. But I’ve learnt that not reading is opening up an opportunity for the Devil to work in your life. When we are sad and depressed sometimes and think Why am I going through this Pain, sometimes its only because we left the door open for Satan to work in our lives.

The minister shared 5 simple steps.
*    Read
*    Hear
*    See
*    Memorize
*    Mediate on all above.

If we read our bible, listen to the word, then we can see what God has to say. We then memorize his scriptures, and meditate on all the above. In this way, the devil can have no grip on Us. When we stand for the truth of Jesus Christ, The devil has no hold on our lives. He cannot snatch us out of our Father’s hand. We stand secure and strong in Our Lord and Saviour. But all it takes for us to do is to meditate on God’s Word. To read our bible.
Have you ever read an entire book that was not the bible?
Have you ever read the entire bible in all your years of going to church? ( I’m guilty of this :/ )
If you haven’t how do you know, If what is said in the Bible is the truth?
How do you know and experience the Holy Spirit – for sure the Holy spirit isn’t lazy. Then why are we lazy to share God’s word. Why are we lazy to read his Word?

Sometimes we just have to forget about getting the church filled. What makes the difference between believers and Disciples is that, disciples give God their ALL. They go out to the lost ones. Not just try to bring them to Church. They GO OUT INTO THE WORLD TEACHING AND PREACHING THE GOSPEL OF TRUTH. TEACHING TRUTH. NOT DOCTRIN, BUT THE TRUTH. The truth is the Lord Jesus.

When we sign up for Salvation, there isn’t a contract or listing for the things we like such as, “I like speaking in tongues, or I’d like the gift of prophesy, or I’d like the holy spirit, but I don’t want to evangelize – that’s too hard, or I don’t want to talk to random people cause they might be smelly”  No, Go out there. That’s what God’s calling you to do. You can’t just tick what you like, and expect to Grow. You have to bear fruits. Otherwise, if God has to take you out of his plan, so that his work can be done, he surely will do it!
This contract that you have signed on for (Speaking to all Christians out there) is not on your terms. It’s on God’s terms. Don’t allow yourselves to be held accountable for not carrying out God’s plan. It’s time to get out of your comfort zones. Become uncomfortable, so that a soul can be saved.

This word had blessed my heart. It tells me how much I have to work on my relationship with God. How can I fight spiritual battles and not know scriptures. Even when Jesus was tempted by satan, He used Scriptures, not the words out of his mouth, but he quoted Scriptures. Its ok to know that you are falling short of reading your bible, don’t get all defensive, because even I am guilty. I have much work to do. But I encourage you out there. Experience what God has for you. Seek out God’s vision. His Plan. Do the work that he has called you to do!

Just as this word has blessed my heart, I really hope that it has blessed yours. I hope you all have been encouraged, and Inspired.

He is my daddy Ohh...


The week before was father’s day. The day given in which we can appreciate our Father’s just a little more. I was asked in the church that I attend, to share a little something, portraying fathers as Prophets. Today I’m going to share a little something of what I spoke on.

There is something called Munus Triplex. It’s a Latin phrase referring to the three fold offices of Christ – Being Prophet, Priest and King over the Church. Referring to this, a parallel relationship can be drawn between Christ being the Prophet, Priest and King over his church, and Our Fathers being Prophet Priest and King, over his wife and children.

My little message dealt with the Fathers taking the role as Prophet. Prophets just aren’t people who can see into the future. While having that ability and gift, they are called to be the spokesmen for God. Unlike a priest who is a mediator between God and the people speaking on behalf of the people, A prophet takes what God has to say, and relates that to the people.

Men are called to be the spiritual heads of their homes as seen in 1 Corinthians 11. (In which you can read for yourselves. :D ) The same instructions was given by Paul in Ephesians 5:22-25.
22 Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. 24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.
25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her 

Every time, most times, that people read this scripture, Women especially are all defensive. Most times take it the wrong way. I’m guilty of that to. But while preparing this passage for my little tribute to fathers, I discovered a new perspective – The wives have the responsibility of subjecting/submitting to their husbands. However, what I gathered was that the Man is given the greater responsibility here, hence his role as Head. He is given the responsibility to Love his Wife, as Christ Loved the Church and Gave himself for it. Even though Christ commanded us all to love one another, this is specifically given to Husbands in this scripture. Having a Christ like love and fulfilling that kind of Love is a huge responsibility and a difficult task in itself.

“A husband is to be the family prophet. He represents God to his wife and, by extension, his family. When his wife reacts emotionally, he calms her with God's wisdom. He proclaims the gospel of faith to his family. He provides biblical instruction and training to his wife and children without becoming legalistic. He prepares family devotions and encourages private devotions. He is the arbiter of family values. He insists on regular church attendance. He is a messenger from God to his family.” (Charismagazine 2013)

I used the above explanation of husbands taking the role as prophets in the home, because in that little paragraph, it says it all. As fathers, one should listen and hear what God has to say, he should direct his family and he should lead his family in the ways of the Lord.

Hope you all have been blessed and inspired! Fathers be encouraged to take the roles of Prophet Priest and King. Take up your responsibility to love. To have the Kind of Love for your family as Christ has for us!