Saturday, 31 May 2014

Who's our Hope? Who's Our Anchor?


When I was a little younger, one of my favourite songs was a song written by Ray Boltz. The following words of the song, I still apply in my life.

The anchor holds
Though the ship is battered
The anchor holds
Though the sails are torn
I have fallen on my knees
As I faced the raging seas
The anchor holds
In spite of the storm”
When you feel all hope is lost. When you feel as though your head is in some deep waters, Just remember your Anchor. It helps keeps you in Place.

What or who may be your anchor? Who keeps you in place? Who guides you in the right direction? When your walls are tumbling down, and your world is burning to the ground, Who is there to keep your mind intact?

Is it your Parents? Is it your Best Friend? Is it your pastor? Is it all three?

It can be all of the above. But speaking on a personal level, In my weakest times, I needed the strongest anchor of all. His name is Jesus. He was my Hope. He was my Anchor!

When times were really rough, and I was tossed around and about in the sea, In the tempest, His anchoring love carried me to the shore. He has never failed me. When I need someone to talk to, Jesus is There. When I cry in secret, or in Prayer, He's there to understand.

I hear many times people say, “Well you know, God isn't here physically. I need someone to talk to who I can see, touch, see their expressions etc.”

My answer to that is, Whereas God is always there for you, and you feel that way, That's the reason he has given us Parents, Teacher, Pastors, Friends that look out and care for us. Sometimes even Complete strangers. God doesn't give you more than you can handle, and even if you feel as though you can't handle the situation you're placed in, He positions people into that aspect of your life to help you through.

Through it all, learn to trust in Jesus. Through it all, learn to depend upon God's word. You can do all things through Christ.

Jeremiah 29:11 states that God has plans for you. He has plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future.

God knows all things concerning you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. When friends give up on you, or Family gives up on you, His loves never fails.

Sometimes in life we are broken into a million and one pieces, Speaking from personal experience, but at the end of it all, I saw why things had to happen the way it did. I saw that if it was not for those hurtful situations, God alone knows how my life would have been. But now I've seen the outcome, I have gone through the process, and now I can say that I have been refined. I look at things differently, I strive to live daily in God's light. All because, through those trying times, God had been my anchor. God is able to bring hope into your life, even when everything seems hopeless!

Hope you have been blessed and encouraged. Let God Be your support today! Yes he has placed people in your life to help you get by, but they should not be the center of your life. With Those smaller anchors, the ropes can easily burst. But with The ultimate Anchor, Your life will forever be in his hands.

Hope you all were Blessed, Encouraged and Inspired!

Monday, 26 May 2014

Practice Humility


1 Peter 5:5b
Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”

Humble refers to being not proud or arrogant.
We have many people today in the world who considers themselves humble but really and truly they're people who portray falsified humility. But as Peter says, God opposes the proud, and grace Is given to the humble.

What is humility? It is a correct estimation of who you are in light of who God is; it means being without pretension.

To be humble by no means, refers to being trampled over, or pushed to the bottom of the pile as some perceive it to be. It is not a sign of weakness.

If someone disrespects you by saying something bad to your face, being a humble person does not mean that you are allowing them to have Power over you. But rather, you just ignoring what was said and turning the other cheek, is really the Power you have over them. The power of your own impulses to ignore.

Today in the churches, you may hardly find those that are humble. But that should not stop or rather hinder your relationship with God. You are in Church to follow God's example of Charity (Love) and humility.

Travelling the path of Humility Is an experience. One that sometimes is painful and rough, because of those potholes and bumps in the road called Pride. Humility is a way of yielding to the Mighty Hand of God. It is a sign of resisting Person Pride, one in which as God's word said we will be exalted for in due time.

Getting by in this day and age is hard, if you are to be a humble person. In work even in school, the only way you may obtain a promotion or even be recognized is if you “push up” yourselves. But this view is contradicted in the Bible, so What is the right thing to do? (Reflect upon this question when you come upon the situation)

Pride and humility and the consequences of each are a recurring theme in the book of Proverbs as well as in the rest of the Bible. Pride is associated with arrogance, pretension, destruction, and humiliation while humility is associated with wisdom, honor, and rewards. When we have pride because of our accomplishments or our jobs or our wealth, we have forgotten that it is the Lord who gives us our ability, our opportunities, and our health. Without Him, nothing would be possible. Pride causes us to take credit that belongs to God.” (

As a young person, i'm struggling each and every day to overcome the pride that swells my head. It's like a balloon. When you pump air into it, and it becomes really big, one touch may pop that balloon. So to, before every fall, is Pride. Hence the importance of staying Humble.

A humble person is one in my opinion, who:
  1. Acknowledges that they are human, and have faults.
  2. Acknowledges, and FEARS the Lord. People today do not fear God. They just dump him to the side, and the work of God is put on Hold. Sometimes, even in churches, people have a form of Godliness, but No God. They are so busy doing the work of God, that they actually forget about God, and Who he really Is.
  3. Even though they turn the other cheek and it hurts as hell, never forget your sense of self-worth
  4. Accepts their shortcomings as people with dignity and grace.
  5. Is Caring, Kind, Considerate and an Attentive Person
  6. Is a GIVER – Personally, I've seen the hand of God work in the lives of givers. Giving is a sacrifice for some. God sees, and he rewards. However, do not give and expect anything in return. Do it out of your own good heart and will. Let God do the rest.
Practice Humility today! Hope this blog post has blessed your hearts and you are on your way to obeying God's word and striving for humility.
I by no means am a perfect person, and I've got pride at times. But as I have said before, nothing is wrong with that. Nothing is wrong in striving to perfect our imperfections.

Note that it is a journey in life. A stepping stone to something greater, bigger and better. It is all a process that we have to go through, and no one is perfect. No one is righteous on this earth. But we can strive be humble like Jesus was. Through his love and humility, we are here today worshiping and Glorifying his name. Because of The heart of God on Calvary, we have been offered an alternative. We have been offered the gift of Salvation.

Hope you all have been Blessed, Encouraged and Inspired! :)

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Who Are We Meant To Be???


Success means having the courage, the determination, and the will to become the person you believe you were meant to be.” -George Sheehan

Don't let the World define who you are. Do not be a follower, but a Leader! The only following you should do, is following the footsteps of God! When people see you, they should see you as a Child of God. Note that no one is perfect...But there's nothing wrong with striving to perfect our imperfections.

Your life was pre-ordained by God. You have a destiny to fulfill...Know what it is, and accomplish it.

Ephesians 1:3-5
3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, 4 even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love 5 he predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will”

We all want to make the world a better place. In order to do so, we have to be MAD – Making A Difference. We are the only agents of change and in order to make a change, we have to check ourselves. Critique our lifestyles, and conform not to the carnal nature of this world, but to the word of God. It's a difficult journey, I won't lie, but In the end it's worth it, Trust me.

Proverbs 3: 5-6
5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Believe on God, and he shall direct all your decisions. Trusting him, and putting our Faith solely on him, and having him in the Centre of our lives, is the greatest step into accomplishing and becoming the person you were meant to be. That's the only reason I am what I am today, and where I am today. Allowing God to make my decision is the best thing I would ever do in my life, because me, making a decision on my own, always somehow doesn't tend to turn out too right.. It would always end up in a situation most times where God has to break me into a million pieces before I actually see where I should be going, and where He was really leading me. Trust me...Save yourself the drama and just Listen to Him.

In life we want to be many things. We want to be rich, we want to be more caring etc. However, consider every morning that we wake up, a new day, a fresh start, a new beginning. Changes can be made now. It's up to us to individually choose a path that doesn't cause us or our loved ones pain/hurt, but one that leads to a successful future, filled with peace, love, Joy and hair grease....Just kidding..

Let not money, approval, acclaim, or anything else distract us from what we believe to be true. What matters is who we want to be, and what we do about it today.

Be a person who does what is right, even when it's complicated. Be the salt in the earth, that beacon in the midst of the storm. Live up to your full potential. Lacking nothing, never underestimating yourself. Despite what people may say, or their perspective about you, you're more than a conqueror, Blessed and highly favored. That's the type of person you're meant to be. Someone to look up to. Someone who sets the right example. A person everyone wants to emulate.

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Why Go To Church??

Why Should You Physically Go to Church.

Hebrews 10:21:25
(A Call To Persevere in Faith)

21 And having an high priest over the house of God;
22 Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water.
23 Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;)
24 And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:
25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

Many a times, the excuse of Christians or even Unbelievers, as to why they don't go to church, is that why Go, when you can pray and read your Bible at Home and Worship God at home? Or they say sometimes, that Churches are filled with hypocrites.
I'm not going to lie, Sometimes I find myself saying the latter. But when I say that, I tell myself...What's my purpose of going church? Is it for man? Or is it For God? Then I keep myself in line.

"But the purpose of church is so much broader than that. It is about corporate worship, praying and studying the Bible together, serving one another and reaching out in mission together. This can't be done in isolation." , (Tim Stevens, executive pastor of Granger Community Church. 2012)

Going to church and fellowshipping in God's house, is a very important aspect in our Christian walk. It helps you to grow in your Christian Journey. Those same “Hypocrites” (I Hope people don't take it the wrong way, I mean no offense) in my belief are actually there to help you. If they look at your every fault, then consider it a way in which God is actually using them to smoothen YOUR sharp edges.

The Meeting place of Worship is intended to be:
  1. A place of Refuge
  2. A place of like minded people
  3. To strengthen and Build up
  4. Gifts in the body, that help you achieve what you need to achieve
  5. It's an atmosphere, where the presence of God is, something you may not experience by watching it online or on television
I encourage each and everyone out there, believers and non-believers, attend church as often as you can. Not every single time you'll be able to make it to church, but your sacrifice will not go unrewarded. For man may not pay attention, but God's pays attention and he sees your every need, your every desire. Obey his word today. Going to church is between you and God. No one else. Experience him today. Love him, and go to a place where his spirit resides. Feel God's presence, and acknowledge all that he has done and is continuing to do in your life. Give him praise, honor and glory, together with those who love him...
Remember, when you attend church, you attend connected with God or to spark that connection to him that you probably lost during the week. Attend Not for the purpose of man, or for the purpose of being noticed by others or for positions in Church, but attend for the growth of your relationship with him.

I Encourage you to attend a Bible based teaching church, where the true doctrine of Christ is taught. Where you learn more of God, and his love for you. Follow the examples of Christ. Live day by day in Faith and Keep Him at the Center of it all. Trust him, Serve him, Place all your Faith/Trust in him for he never fails. Man fails. But the Love of God never fails. And on that note, I leave you with the following video. Let your heart be blessed.

Sunday, 11 May 2014



It's that special time of the year, where there is a day placed aside to treat our Mothers and this blog entry is dedicated to all the Mothers out there. Do you know your first love? (Besides God that is) It's your mother. Do you remember the time she gave birth to you after some dreadful hours of pain? Do you remember the times she woke up sick every morning, ate extra just so you can remain healthy? Do you remember the times although very sick, she still came and hugged you good night, and made sure everything was OK with you? Do you remember the sleepless nights you gave her? Do you remember those nine months she carried you? Of course you don't.
Having a day placed aside in commemoration for all the mothers is a fantastic idea in my opinion. However, just one day is not enough. Every day should be Mother's day because everyday is Children's day for her. Having a mom, at your side, through thick and thin, is the best thing anyone can ask for. She's always there to love you, no matter what you do wrong. She corrects and disciplines you, which is the right thing to do, yet she does it with love. She's the best thing a child can ask for. She drags you out of bed, to get dressed to go to church...That's an amazing mom!

The following is an interesting piece of literature I read on God's purpose for motherhood;
God uses mothers for the development of the soul-life of their children. What a different generation of children we would have if only all mothers, as they fondle their babies, could realize that they have brought into existence “not sublimated animals, not mere physical organisms which live and breathe for awhile then pass away, but through the power of God ... immortality.” Any child resting on a mother’s breast is “an eternal entity, something that shall never cease to exist, but live on for weal or for woe forever and ever.”
The influence of mothers is without comparison or competition. The church, nations, governments, society depend upon our mothers for their stability. Within the home, mother is the reigning queen. Thus, when home life is decadent, every phase of life lacks wholesomeness. D'Aubigne, the historian, claims that the Reformation was born in the early years of Martin Luther’s childhood. Behind the monk who shook the world was the influence of a mother.
Faith of our mothers, Christian faith,
In truth beyond our stumbling creeds,
Still serve the home and save the church,
And breathe thy spirit through our deeds:
Faith of our mothers, Christian faith,
We will be true to thee 'til death.
Yes, we do well to honor mothers, who are the prime kingdom-builders, chief soulmoulders, conspicuous character-constructors, and the foremost recruiting agents for the eternal realms above.” (BibleGateway)

As it's Mothers Day time, its essential for us to show our gratitude and appreciation for our mothers. No matter what, our mom is our mom. Even if there are falling outs and arguments..Our mom is our Mom. There's no other who can replace her. She is our rock and strong fortress. She is the Backbone of every family. She's there to comfort us and wipe our tears away. She's there to capture every joy and blessing we've received. There's a promise that God has left us, in Exodus 20:12 If we honor our Father and Mother, we may live long in the land the Lord has given us. Honor our parents, Honor our Fathers and Mothers, or respect those who have taken their roles, out of the goodness of their hearts.

For those who have to spend Mothers Day without a Mom, do not look at the glass as half empty..But I encourage you to look at it half full.. Although your own mother is not there, there are those who fill in for her..A dad, who plays a mommy's role, or aunts who steps in. Even other persons who look and take care of you, advise you, encourage and inspire you...Even God takes that role of loving you abundantly...


When I was of a young age, I must say, I had many disagreements with my mother, or rather parents for that matter. I felt unloved, insecure, neglected. However, later on in life, I came to realize what my mother did for me, was the best for me. The friends she told me to stay away from, was ingenious. The things she told me not to do, was a master plan. At the time I did not appreciate, or rather did not like it, but as I grew older, I realized, there is no manual for motherhood. What they do, they do to the best of their abilities. What they think is right for their child to grow up in the right direction.

To all the mothers out there, who think that their children are unruly and a pain.. All I have to say is never give up on them. You're doing your job. Keep on praying for them. They will grow to see your efforts someday when they become a parent to. Set an example for them to follow. They definitely will not see the importance of your love for them now, but I assure you that they will see it later on, and appreciate all you that you did for them.

Be a God fearing mother! A mother who prays keeps her family safe, and together. A mother who does the will and purpose for God, holds the world in her hands. To mothers all you have to do, is be the person that God has called you to be. Its difficult sometimes being a mom, but you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you! Be a Noble wife. As stated in Proverbs 31:10-30

A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life. She selects wool and flax and works with eager hands. She is like the merchant ships, bringing her food from afar. She gets up while it is still dark; she provides food for her family and portions for her servant girls. She considers a field and buys it; out of her earnings she plants a vineyard. She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks. She sees that her trading is profitable, and her lamp does not go out at night. In her hand she holds the distaff and grasps the spindle with her fingers. She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy. When it snows, she has no fear for her household; for all of them are clothed in scarlet. She makes coverings for her bed; she is clothed in fine linen and purple. Her husband is respected at the city gate, where he takes his seat among the elders of the land. She makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies the merchants with sashes. She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: "Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all." Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.”

Be a woman, mothers who fears the Lord and you shall be praised. Children appreciate and Love you mothers!

I hope you all enjoyed this Mother's day special, and hope it was a blessing to your hearts! Happy Mother's Day to All the Mothers out there, and may God richly Bless you and May his divine favor be upon you all!! <3 <3 <3


Thursday, 8 May 2014



Hi Welcome!! This blog “Inspirateur” is the French word for Inspiration. We are living in a fast world. We are passing each and every day, without noticing the beauty that lies in every poui tree, the calmness found in the swaying breeze, the emotions running through you with the touch of every sun ray and the creativity of the creator seen through the constellations in the night's sky. All we do is move from work to home, to parties, to school, to home again. We hardly have time for God, which has led to a depressed life. We need that spark, or rather a Fire of purpose to help us go through our lives. Hence the purpose of this blog.

I have recently turned twenty, and I must admit, I am not experienced as someone who is fifty per say, but none the less, age should not be a hindrance to accomplishing a life filled with Joy and purpose. I have chosen the word Inspirateur in French, because I was looking for something unique, meaning inspiration, and since French peaked my interest in High school, I said why not.

The Pastor of the church I attend, always speaks about only through God, you moved from nothing to something. A song that I have heard and loved when I was little, had the Lyrics:

“I went from rags to riches,
the night I met the lord.
From a life of desperation, To one that's filled with Joy,
I went from Rags to riches,
The night I met the Lord.”

As to who sang this song, I am unclear of. I've tried searching on Google for it, and never seem to find it. But it has left a lasting impression for me, and ties in well with going from nothing to something. Ever felt hurt? Neglected? Persecuted? Felt like “all hell broke loose?” So have I. Being a young adult, and following Christ is no easy task. No one said that Christianity is a bed of roses. May be it is, really, the roses with thorns. But through it all, Pray. It's in these trying times, that we see God's hand at work. He loves us with an unconditional love. A love that not even our Parents can give, or a lover, boyfriend, a husband. He has given his life for our Sins, because he loved us.

“For all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God.” - Roman 3:23

Even though we sin, we should repent, ask God to forgive us. Practice humility. Love one another, as Christ loved us.

John 3:16 states,
“For God so loved the World, that He gave his Only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him, Shall not Perish, but have everlasting life”

Even though we feel like we amount to nothing, or so we have been told, remember to Christ, we are everything. More precious than pure gold. With Christ in our lives, we can move from rags to riches... From nothing to Something. Put him at the Center of your life, and everything else will fall in Place. I have personally experienced Christ in my life, and still am experiencing his love and divine favor. I must say I am not a perfect person, I have many imperfections, being still young, should not hold us back from doing the right thing. Move forward ever, backward never, with a love like Christ. With him, we move from Nothing to Something.

I hope anyone reading these post here on after, every week, be encouraged, inspired, and hope you enjoy these blogs, and BE BLESSED :)