Monday, 26 May 2014

Practice Humility


1 Peter 5:5b
Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”

Humble refers to being not proud or arrogant.
We have many people today in the world who considers themselves humble but really and truly they're people who portray falsified humility. But as Peter says, God opposes the proud, and grace Is given to the humble.

What is humility? It is a correct estimation of who you are in light of who God is; it means being without pretension.

To be humble by no means, refers to being trampled over, or pushed to the bottom of the pile as some perceive it to be. It is not a sign of weakness.

If someone disrespects you by saying something bad to your face, being a humble person does not mean that you are allowing them to have Power over you. But rather, you just ignoring what was said and turning the other cheek, is really the Power you have over them. The power of your own impulses to ignore.

Today in the churches, you may hardly find those that are humble. But that should not stop or rather hinder your relationship with God. You are in Church to follow God's example of Charity (Love) and humility.

Travelling the path of Humility Is an experience. One that sometimes is painful and rough, because of those potholes and bumps in the road called Pride. Humility is a way of yielding to the Mighty Hand of God. It is a sign of resisting Person Pride, one in which as God's word said we will be exalted for in due time.

Getting by in this day and age is hard, if you are to be a humble person. In work even in school, the only way you may obtain a promotion or even be recognized is if you “push up” yourselves. But this view is contradicted in the Bible, so What is the right thing to do? (Reflect upon this question when you come upon the situation)

Pride and humility and the consequences of each are a recurring theme in the book of Proverbs as well as in the rest of the Bible. Pride is associated with arrogance, pretension, destruction, and humiliation while humility is associated with wisdom, honor, and rewards. When we have pride because of our accomplishments or our jobs or our wealth, we have forgotten that it is the Lord who gives us our ability, our opportunities, and our health. Without Him, nothing would be possible. Pride causes us to take credit that belongs to God.” (

As a young person, i'm struggling each and every day to overcome the pride that swells my head. It's like a balloon. When you pump air into it, and it becomes really big, one touch may pop that balloon. So to, before every fall, is Pride. Hence the importance of staying Humble.

A humble person is one in my opinion, who:
  1. Acknowledges that they are human, and have faults.
  2. Acknowledges, and FEARS the Lord. People today do not fear God. They just dump him to the side, and the work of God is put on Hold. Sometimes, even in churches, people have a form of Godliness, but No God. They are so busy doing the work of God, that they actually forget about God, and Who he really Is.
  3. Even though they turn the other cheek and it hurts as hell, never forget your sense of self-worth
  4. Accepts their shortcomings as people with dignity and grace.
  5. Is Caring, Kind, Considerate and an Attentive Person
  6. Is a GIVER – Personally, I've seen the hand of God work in the lives of givers. Giving is a sacrifice for some. God sees, and he rewards. However, do not give and expect anything in return. Do it out of your own good heart and will. Let God do the rest.
Practice Humility today! Hope this blog post has blessed your hearts and you are on your way to obeying God's word and striving for humility.
I by no means am a perfect person, and I've got pride at times. But as I have said before, nothing is wrong with that. Nothing is wrong in striving to perfect our imperfections.

Note that it is a journey in life. A stepping stone to something greater, bigger and better. It is all a process that we have to go through, and no one is perfect. No one is righteous on this earth. But we can strive be humble like Jesus was. Through his love and humility, we are here today worshiping and Glorifying his name. Because of The heart of God on Calvary, we have been offered an alternative. We have been offered the gift of Salvation.

Hope you all have been Blessed, Encouraged and Inspired! :)

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